Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria
About Us
The Board's Role
Board Members
Governance and Accountability
About Cadastral Surveying
Professional Regulation
Find a Surveyor
Check if a Surveyor is Registered
Ways of Finding a Surveyor
For Licensed Surveyors
Registration Renewal
Registration Fees
Further Professional Education or Training (FPET)
Non-Practising Surveyors
Restoration of Registration
Key Documents
Becoming a Supervising Surveyor
Becoming an Examiner
Seeking Registration in Another State
Update My Contact Details
Becoming Registered
Why Become a Licensed Surveyor?
Qualifications Leading to Registration
Professional Training Agreements
Entering a Professional Training Agreement
During a Professional Training Agreement
Transferring a Professional Training Agreement
Completing a Professional Training Agreement
Lodge a PTA Application
Why Do I Need a Supervising Surveyor?
Examination and Registration Fees
Registration by Mutual Recognition
For the Public
Ways of Finding a Surveyor
Making a Complaint
Protect your property
Professional Conduct
Complaints Procedures
Making a Complaint
Managing a Complaint
Investigating a Complaint
Make a Complaint
Disciplinary Hearings
Settlement by Agreement
Offences against the Surveying Act 2004
Stacey Prosecution
Guidelines, Legislation and Fees
Survey Practice Handbook
Surveyor-General's Publications
Key Legislation
SRBV Annual Reports
SBV Annual Reports
Conferral Ceremonies
Newsletter Archives
2005 Newsletter Archive
2006 Newsletter Archive
2007 Newsletter Archive
2008 Newsletter Archive
2009 Newsletter Archive
2010 Newsletter Archive
2011 Newsletter Archive
2012 Newsletter Archive
2013 Newsletter Archive
2014 Newsletter Archive
2015 Newsletter Archive
2016 Newsletter Archive
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
On this page:
General questions about the Board
Finding a Surveyor
For Licensed Surveyors
Becoming Registered
Complaints Procedures
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General questions about the Board
What is the role of the Board?
The Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria is responsible for regulating licensed surveyors in Victoria, as a means of protecting and maintaining the integrity of Victoria's cadastre and property market. The Board sets and assesses competency standards for licensed surveyors, investigates the professional conduct of licensed surveyors and fosters the further professional education and training of licensed surveyors.
Who is on the Board?
Board members reflect a cross-section of the community including government, industry, academia and community representatives.
How is the Board accountable?
The Board has considered good governance principles when implementing the
Surveying Act 2004
and setting decision-making frameworks. The Board has adopted and adapted a number of corporate governance processes that were developed by the previous Board and the Department, including addressing the issue of Conflict of Interest. Governance and related justice and diligence structures have also been developed by the Board to meet requirements of specific functions.
What is cadastral surveying?
In simple terms, cadastral surveying is concerned with defining boundaries of property. From a professional perspective, cadastral surveying involves interpreting and advising on boundary locations, on the status of land ownership, and on the rights, restrictions and interests in property; as well as the physical delineation of property boundaries and the recording of such information for use on plans and maps.
Why do we need to register licensed surveyors?
Victoria's land tenure system is based on the Torrens system of land registration. It is largely through the regulation of licensed surveyors that government is able to effectively manage the risks to the property boundary system. Confidence in Victoria's property boundary system underpins a robust property market, which through property financing and transactions is a significant part of Victoria's wealth generation.
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Finding a Surveyor
When do I need a licensed surveyor?
You require a licensed surveyor when you want to:
- know where the boundaries of your property are
- build on or near your boundaries
- claim title to land under adverse possession
- subdivide your property
- create an easement over your property
- establish a building strata development
How do I find a licensed surveyor?
The Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria website does not provide contact details for Licensed Surveyors in Victoria. However, we have provided
to several other websites that do.
How do I check if a licensed surveyor is registered?
If you have found a licensed surveyor and you want to check that he or she is registered, you can check the Register of Licensed Surveyors.
Who is NOT a licensed surveyor?
A licensed surveyor, a surveyor who is authorised to perform cadastral surveys, is the only person legally entitled to undertake a survey to define and mark the boundaries of your property. Licensed Surveyors are registered by the Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria. Any person, not being a Licensed Surveyor, who undertakes a boundary definition survey (a cadastral survey) is liable for prosecution, as such a survey is illegal, and would have no legal standing.
The following people are
licensed surveyors:
Architects, building surveyors, building inspectors, builders, fencing contractors, property developers, engineers, landscape gardeners, engineering surveyors, mining surveyors, marine surveyors, statistical or market surveyors, people who produce plans, people who produce maps, utilities tradespeople.
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For Licensed Surveyors
How do I renew my registration?
To renew your registration as a licensed surveyor, you must pay a renewal fee and submit an activity statement of your Further Professional Education or Training (FPET) undertaken during the year.
What are the registration fees?
All Licensed surveyors are required to pay registration fees. The current fees are set out in the
Surveying (Registration Fees) Regulations 2015
Where can I find out about Further Professional Education or Training (FPET)?
Section 7 of the
Surveying Act 2004
requires a licensed surveyor to undertake Further Professional Education or Training (FPET) in cadastral surveying in accordance with a determination of the Board. The Board sees FPET as playing a fundamental role in preserving the high quality of cadastral surveying in Victoria.
Where can I find key documents for surveyors?
Key documents include the Survey Practice Handbook, Surveyor General's Publications and Key Legislation for Surveyors.
How do I gain registration in another State?
Licensed Surveyors from Victoria may apply for registration in another State or Territory of Australia or New Zealand under the provisions of the
Mutual Recognition Act 1992
How do I become a supervising surveyor?
A Supervising Surveyor must be a licensed surveyor who has been registered for at least three years in Victoria and cannot have more than two concurrent Professional Training Agreements.
How do I become an examiner?
Board appointed examiners assess projects and surveys (submitted by candidates in Professional Training Agreements) for compliance with regulations and cadastral surveying best practice.
How do I update my contact details?
Update your contact details online by entering your registration number and password you have been provided by the Board.
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Becoming Registered
How do I become registered as a licensed surveyor?
To qualify for registration as a licensed surveyor you will need to pass the Board exams, undertake practical training under supervision, and complete an approved course of study.
What do I need to know about professional training agreements?
A Professional Training Agreement (PTA) is a formal agreement that documents a structured training program for a Graduate Surveyor to achieve all the competency levels required by the Board for registration.
How do I find a supervisor?
A Graduate Surveyor needs a licensed surveyor to be their Supervising Surveyor. A Supervising Surveyor must have been registered in Victoria for at least three years and cannot have more than two concurrent Professional Training Agreements.
What are the examination and registration fees?
All licensed surveyors are required to pay registration fees. There is no fee for registering a Professional Training Agreement with the Board. Fees apply for written and oral examinations. The current fees are set out in the
Surveying (Registration Fees) Regulations 2015
I am from outside Victoria, how can I gain registration in Victoria?
If you are registered as a licensed surveyor in another jurisdiction (national or international), you may apply for registration in Victoria under the
Mutual Recognition Act 1992
or via the Bureau for Assessment of Overseas Qualifications (BAOQ).
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Complaints Procedures
How do I make complaint about a licensed surveyor?
If you want to make a complaint about a licensed surveyor it is advisable to contact the Executive Officer of the Board. The Executive Officer will be able to discuss the complaint procedures with you. You must complete a complaint form, attach any supporting material and send it to the Board.
As a licensed surveyor, what do I need to know if a complaint is made against me?
The Board has established a complaints and disciplinary process to ensure a fair procedure that promotes the highest standard of professional conduct for all licensed surveyors. As a licensed surveyor you should be aware of the complaints procedure.
What is the role of Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria in relation to complaints?
It is the Board's responsibility to investigate the professional conduct of licensed surveyors. The Board has in place a Policy on Handling Complaints to ensure fair, accountable and accessible complaints and disciplinary processes.
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