Why Do I Need a Supervising Surveyor?
A graduate surveyor needs a Supervising Surveyor for the duration
of their Professional Training Agreement. A
Supervising Surveyor must be a Licensed Surveyor who has been registered
in Victoria for at least 3 years and cannot have more than 2 concurrent
Professional Training Agreements.
A Supervising Surveyor will:
- develop a suitable Professional Training Agreement in conjunction
with the graduate surveyor
- provide supervision, leadership and tutoring
- review and provide guidance to the graduate surveyor on all
projects/surveys prior to submission to the Surveyors
Board of Victoria
- report to the Board about the graduate surveyor during the Professional Training Agreement (through the provision of biannual reports) and at the
completion of the Agreement.
A graduate surveyor needs to obtain agreement from a Licensed Surveyor who is willing to be his/her Supervising Surveyor within the surveying business where
the graduate surveyor is employed, be that a firm of consulting surveyors
or a government body.
If a Supervising Surveyor is unable to provide for all the elements
of the PTA, the Board encourages the utilisation of secondments to
other professional survey firms or bodies to gain training in those